Color plays such an important role in my work. As you all know (well some of you might at least), I adore black and white photography but have such a hard time creating anything without color. There is just so much that color can add to an image, so I find it nearly impossible to deny myself that extra layer to my editing process. Below you'll find five tips for achieving fantastic color in your images!
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Over the last several months, as I've been releasing new pictures, I've been noticing a trend. Now I'm not going to name names or point fingers (because it could happen to anyone), but I have been thinking a lot about this and figured it was time to share my thoughts. (Cuz sharing is caring...or so they say..whoever they are.) It's time to put an end to this.....
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Ok so here's how this goes down: Thanks to my amazing friend Sarah, I was asked by the website if I would like to be featured and write an article. (Umm duh yeah, your website is awesome.) Sarah wrote this article for them and then graciously told the people at In My Bag that I existed, so major points for her. Anyway, this isn't really an actual blog post, it's more of a, "HEY! GO READ THE ARTICLE I WROTE FOR IN MY BAG AND THEN TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT," sorta post.
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