In the fall of 2013 I was doing a lot of listening to the podcast "The Candid Frame." It's one of my all-time favorite photography podcasts to listen to while I'm editing photos all day. If you haven't tuned in before, definitely give it a try. The host, Ibarionex, is a fantastic interviewer and always asks precisely the kinds of questions I really want to know. I'm not a big "gear-head" like some photographers, so the equipment used to create an image is less exciting to me. This is why I just love how Ibarionex really digs deep into the creative and emotional side of his guests' works - it's more about the story and why they made the image rather than how many mega pixels wide the picture is. (Not that there is even the slightest problem with being in the gear and techy side of photography, it's just not for me.)
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